Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Greenes Came to Visit!!!

You know those people that touch your heart in a way, that each time you see them you are reminded of the kind of love few friendships ever have? Racee and her family are that reminder to our family. It seems we have known her most of her life. Her parents, are some of our very best friends and to see Racee all grown up with such a beautiful family, well that is the dessert of life. Here are some pictures of her cute boys, I hope you enjoy them.

Jackson is the oldest and without him, I don't think we would have been able to get any pictures of Jonas, ha ha. Thank goodness for big brothers.

Did I mention that Jackson has some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen?!

Jonas is at that stage of life where the only good place to be is in his Mother's lap, so we had to do a little tricking to get him to play along.

Wait, I just realized my Mom isn't holding me. How did that happen?

I mean don't you just want to pick him up and squeeze him? I bet his Grandma, or as Jonas and Jackson call her, Nomi does.

At this point, Jackson went into the sit very still stare position. And Jonas, well he was looking for his Mama. :)

Good things come to those who help out the photographer and while Racee was putting Jonas in the car, I gave Jackson the green light to jump off the porch!!! It was both a safe and pretty amazing jump. "To infinity and beyond!!" Please come back soon, we love you all very much.

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